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Stakeholder Workshop Schedule Flyer_RIHousing-201909

Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice in several workshops held September 3-5, 2019 for developing the following plans:

  • Strategic Housing Plan
  • Five Year Consolidated Plan

RIHousing and the Rhode Island Office of Housing and Community Development are soliciting input on issues and opportunities related to seven topic areas.

  1. Regulatory Concerns and Barriers to Development
  2. Affordable and Accessible Housing (including preservation of affordable housing)
  3. Housing for the Homeless & Special Needs Populations
  4. Healthy Housing and Healthy Neighborhoods
  5. Extreme Weather and Climate Change
  6. Community Development (including infrastructure and access to community assets)
  7. Poverty and Access to Employment and Small Business Development Opportunities

The format of each workshop will be the same. Join us to discuss the topic(s) that align with your interests.