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Rhode Island Environment

Because this website is all about Rhode Island's environment as the basis of our economy, most of the core content could be categorized as "Environment," which isn't very helpful.

Categorizing RI environmental events in What Grows On in RI for about 7 years has helped me winnow the potential categories down to about thirty general topics. Most groups focus on one or a few categories. It happens that the categories can also apply to groups that do not have a primarily environmental focus. Eventually, these groups will be included as well. I hope to encourage synergies and collaborations by integrating and organizing the Directory by these categories.

A few groups concern so many aspects of the environment that they would have to be listed everywhere. Since there is so much information to include in this website, that would be a bit of an additional overload. But they should be highlighted because of their broad environmental missions. The RI Department of Environmental Management is obviously one such organization, as are the Environment Council of RI, Newport and Providence Green Drinks, meetups and ecoRI. These are in the COMPREHENSIVE category.

Building out this website is obviously a ridiculously huge task, so stay tuned! There is lots missing in January 2015. More to come here. If you want to submit environmental resources to this website send an email to