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US Fish & Wildlife Service

also see RI National Wildlife Refuge Complex and Trustom Pond Visitor Center. There are several national wildlife refuges in RI:

is unique in several ways. Unlike Rhode Island’s other four refuges, it is not located on the mainland but rather 12 miles off the state’s southern shore on Block Island. This refuge is distinctive because it works closely with other conservation organizations...

The refuge includes 787 acres of various wildlife habitats including fields, shrublands, woodlands, fresh and saltwater ponds and sandy beaches and dunes.

Many visitors are able to view the periphery of the refuge as they canoe or kayak the Narrow River. Although there is no refuge trail system, visitors can gain a vantage point of the refuge from the Middle Bridge pull-out and Sprague Bridge on Route 1A. Designated fishing access points also provide...
Ninigret National Wildlife Refuge is one of five refuges of the Rhode Island National Wildlife Refuge Complex. This refuge, the former Charlestown Naval Auxiliary Landing Facility is located in Charlestown, Rhode Island. The glacial ice sheet and former uses have shaped this refuge's diverse...
Sachuest Point National Wildlife Refuge provides an important stopover and wintering area for migratory birds.
We work with public and private partners to conserve and restore important habitat for fish and wildlife resources in the Southern New England Estuary Project area.
Conservation Office


50 Bend Road, Charlestown, Rhode Island 02813