Rhode Island homeowners, landlords, and renters paying their own electric bills have at least one option for adopting sources of renewable energy for their electricity use.
- Purchase Renewable Energy Credits (RECs) through Green Energy Consumers Alliance.* This helps increase the development of renewable energy sources in Rhode Island and their contribution to the growth of the region's power supply.
For homeowners and landlords:
- Install solar panels on their building or property
- Install geothermal or wind turbine system [other?]
Topics to research for those installing renewable energy systems include:
- Distributed Generation
- Net Metering
- Demand Response
- Battery Storage (a Massachusetts Energy Storage Initiative Study)
*National Grid lists two other providers, but Green Energy Consumers Alliance is the only one selling Rhode Island RECs. Providential Gardener focuses on Rhode Island companies and organizations.
draft - in process 3/2/19