From a website called "School Spring" (AIALC does not appear to have its own website):
"The Aquidneck Island Adult Learning Center is in its’ thirty-eighth year of operation as a community service.. As a full service adult learning center, we provide a complete menu of literacy, adult education and vocational training programs to Newport County youth and adults. We provide assessment, literacy, workplace literacy, high school completion and vocational training and counseling services that are based upon the findings of recent research and best practices. We strive to assist adult learners to become literate members of the community and to become economically self sufficient through our training programs. We welcome you to our learning center and look forward to helping you achieve your goals."
Adult Education: GED, ABE, Diploma Plus (a program for people who have completed 12 of the 24 credits needed for a high school diploma), Transition to College, ESL, EL Civics. Some Computer instruction may be scheduled in April 2015, Various apprentice and certificate programs.
Volunteers are referred to Literacy Volunteers of the East Bay.