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A RI Homelessness Research Guide


Some Rhode Islanders don't have safe places
to stay and keep their stuff.


Prevent and end homelessness in Rhode Island
Make it rare ~ brief ~ nonrecurring

NEW! RI's System for Reducing Homelessness, August 25, 2023

This is a work in progress, a research guide to homelessness in RI. It originally contained what I have found on the internet so far (beginning in December 2022). In August 2023 I am updating the information presented here. I am approaching this from the perspective of a reference librarian.

NOTE: I began sharing this with the community January 2, 2023. As I continue to develop the guide and people send me relevant information to incorporate, I am making a list of updates. 

This guide is intended to encourage effective collaboration among all concerned Rhode Islanders so everyone in RI has adequate housing. Questions need raising: there do seem to be some dropped balls rolling around. Let's all do our best to see what the current situation really is, how it got to be this way, and what we all can do collaboratively to make homelessness in RI rare, brief, and nonrecurring.

I welcome constructive comments, corrections, and additional information including links. 

About the RI Homelessness Research Guide
