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This website aims to describe Rhode Island by showing who does what to take of this place, and asks the question

How can we get all the work done so
every Rhode Islander has an adequate living?

It highlights constructive, collaborative, and cooperative endeavors. There's no way one person can round up all this information and put it in order, so it's always going to be a work in progress, a sketch of what could be when and if other librarians (I'm a librarian) professional or other people who realize how important it is to organize information join the project.

The creator and managing editor, Sue Korté, managing member of White Lilac LLC, welcomes your interest in building this information resource, as well as your constructive additions and suggestions.

There's already rather an overwhelming amount of detail here, but that's how modern life is structured. Rube Goldberg would be delighted by the incredibly complicated way we take care of Rhode Island! The goal is to describe Rhode Island, beginning with our physical environment and incorporating how our economy is literally grounded in this place.... daunting, perhaps impossible, but critical if we want to fix the root causes of our state's problems.

I am developing a framework (the structure of this website) and indexing/linking to other online resources to make it easier for Rhode Islanders to grasp what's really "growing on" around here. This is only the beginning, but it is already useful, especially the news feeds, categories, organization directory, calendars and issues. It will take a long time to flesh this out. Meanwhile, start exploring this site, click on links to the multitude of other websites about Rhode Island's environment and economy, and find your own ways to work together with your neighbors to make Rhode Island prosper!

ProvGardener is short for Providential Gardener. I've found that people stumble over "providential" -- some think it's "provincial" -- so I am yielding a bit and using ProvGardener for the URL. You can read about the origins of Providential Gardener here.

In early 2015, I shifted material from other websites into this one. Now the other URLs redirect here. The websites are: