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Providential Gardener Projects

The Providential Gardener is an online environmental information services provider that helps people see who is doing what to their local place. Despite all of the information on the web, there is no way to see ALL of the environmental activity and information through ONE framework for places, including such a small place as Rhode Island. Providential Gardener aims to fill this void with coordinated, comprehensive indexes to Rhode Island's environmental resources. Using more than 30 categores, Providential Gardener enables as many ways to enter and explore information about our environment as there are Rhode Islanders ~ about a million!


To date, Providential Gardener has specialized in Rhode Island environmental information, developing categorized resources for the public. Rhode Island is the perfect size for modeling social innovations. Providential Gardener has collected much more information than is currently available online. When this model is mature, the RI resources framework can be adapted for other locations.


Established in 2007, Providential Gardener views "environment" as a primary category for organizing useful local information and has built relationships throughout the Ocean State with all kinds of environmental organizations.




This website is developing and integrating the following projects in this website:


  • What Grows On in RI ~ the online calendar of environment-related events
  • What Grows On in Rhode Island News Blog
  • News ~ formerly Rhode Island Feeds ~ Posts from RI blogs grouped by categories    
  • Rhode Island Organizations Directory
  • Where the Gardens 'Used to Be'
  • ProvGardener on Twitter
  • What Grows On in RI on Facebook