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Implementing Rhode Island's Wildlife Plan
Yes, we are all preoccupied at the end of the year with parties, end-of-year activities, special events, and family get-togethers, and so who has time to read all of The State Wildlife Action Plan draft documents? There are 7 chapters and 7 appendices, plus some other really interesting papers on birds, Herptofauna, Mammals, fish, and invertebrates.
Today I took a few minutes from thinking about holiday preparations to look through perhaps the most important document, Implementing Rhode Island’s 2015 Wildlife Action Plan in Your Town. Its subtitle is:
A Guide for Rhode Island Communities, Local Conservation Groups, and Other Stewards
Working to Protect Land and Waters for our Wildlife, the Health of Our Communities, and Generations to Come
This 45-page guide includes:
- Our Wildlife Inheritance
- How We can Save Our Wildlife
- Why it's Important to Keep Rhode Island Wild
- How You Can Help Make Conservation Happen in Your Community
- Tools for Action (such as how to purchase land "in a fish and wiildlife friendly way," limit impact on wetlands and aquatic habitats, etc.
- Useful resources such as contacts, helpful RI organizations, and a conservation opportunit areas map (to be added in the final version).
Any Rhode Islander who loves wildlife and our wild places will want to look through this publication.